Fabric printing with linocuts

Fabric printing with linocuts

Mar 07, 2019 No Comment

I love going to art shops to look for inspiration. All the different types of paints, paper and kits for arts and crafts ignite my curiosity and sparkle ideas to try new techniques.  So I usually go into a shop to buy things that I need for my projects and by the time I leave I find myself with more than I intended super excited at the thought to try new crafts. Only problem is new crafts take time – something I would like more of! And who doesn’t? – so what ends up happening is the new goodies will be parked on a shelf waiting to be explored. It is the case of the linoleum blocks and carving tools I bought over a year ago. Finally last week I cut some basic shapes and used them to block print on fabric. The process is super fun and the result very rewarding.

I am pleased with the effect of the print of the fabric, in particular I like the little imperfections and the different shades which are the result of the amount of pressure applied to the block.

The prints could be simply framed, but I decided to use the fabric to make a padded zipper case for my glasses.

Pretty cool!


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